vendredi 15 décembre 2023

Hyper bien


Je viens de réaliser que je n'étais pas tout seul à rêver, de temps en temps, que je lisais des bandes dessinées: Boulet aussi!
Et je suis en mesure de confirmer ce qu'a constaté Boulet: les bandes dessinées qu'on voit en rêve, c'est super bien dessiné.
Le dessin? © Boulet Corp, bien sûr.

2 commentaires:

Chris a dit…

I've always wondered about this kind of thing. In dreams I've played a musical instrument like a virtuoso (instead of badly, as I do in the daytime), and I've had long fluent conversations in Spanish. Doesn't this mean that my brain actually could do these things, if only my conscious mind would let it?

Tororo a dit…

Dear Chris,
I was truly surprised the first time I realized, when I woke up, that minutes ago I had spoken English in a dream. No particularly flowery speech, just some plain sentences; the thing is, when awake, I always feel reluctant to speak English, not sure how badly my accent will hurt the listeners ears. In dreams I have no such issue. I think sleep disinhibits us and allow us to do things we usually don't do. However, it does not work for everything: I have noticed that, in dreams, I NEVER am the one driving the car, I'm always chauffeured by someone else!