vendredi 3 janvier 2020

Nananniversaire, nanananana

C'est l'anniversaire de qui aujourd'hui?
Celui de Greta Thunberg.
Bon anniversaire Greta Thunberg!

S'il te plaît, Greta, dis-nous que tu les enterreras tous? 
Hein? S'il te plaît?

4 commentaires:

Fresca a dit…

Hey! I understood one of your posts! I had 2 years of high school French , so I know almost nothing (example of how bad my French is: "J'ai etudie le Francais dans l'ecole durant deux annees")--but I can understand simple things.

Je suis tres hereuse que vous aimez (tu aimes?) Les Petites Garconettes avec les cheveux rouges. :)

Tororo a dit…

Bonjour Fresca!
Thanks so much for visiting. Years ago, when I began blogging, I was toying with the project of making this blog bilingual. I had to admit it was unrealistic...
However, a couple posts contain parts in English: mainly poetry I attempted to translate in French, such as this one:
or this one:

Envoyez mon amour aux Petites Garçonettes avec les cheveux rouges!

Fresca a dit…

Oh, I love Edward Lear: from childhood, he has been one of my favorite writers & illustrators.

(You maybe saw the girlettes "went to sea in a sieve" a while ago, inspired by Lear's Jumblies.)

And Carson McCullers . . . I think I've never recovered fully from the sadness of "The Heart Is a Lonely Hunter", which I read in high school.

Good work with your translations.

Les Petites Garçonettes disent, "Nous adorons Tororo! Et Totoro! Et les chats! Aussi, les petites gateaux!"

(I don't know how to add the markings on letters on my keyboard--I know I am missing some! But also, in truth I do not know which ones go where.)

Tororo a dit…

Don't worry about the missing markings! I feel awkward, myself, when I happen to use some borrowed QWERTY keyboard (mine is AZERTY, of course).
Please keep posting great stories! And have a great Year of the Rat.